Seat Sale

Save up to 20% on flights to Europe, Canada or the South

Book a flight between June 4 and June 27 for travel between June 4 and December 15, 2024 .


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Don't feel like travelling light?
Add at least 24 hours before departure and save up to 36% on your 1st checked bag.

† The SEAT SALE is valid on new individual bookings made between June 4 to 27, 2024, for flights to the South, to Canada, and Europe, and applies to select cities and flight dates between June 4 to December 15, 2024. The advertised discount applies to a one-way flight operated by Air Transat in Economy Class at the Eco Budget fare from Orlando to Montreal, for September to October 2024 departures. Prices are per person and include all taxes. The promotion is limited to 20 seats at the indicated fares per departure and is subject to change without notice. Subject to availability at time of booking. Certain destinations may include a connection. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Reservations are subject to our General terms and conditions.