Flights from Montreal to Athens

The best of Athens


Europe’s oldest city

A flight to Europe’s oldest city means communing with a civilization more than 3,400 years old while simultaneously revelling in the vibrant process of its renewal. The things to do and see in Athens take visitors on a time-warped journey through history.

Not to be missed

  • Monuments: Keeping watch over Athens is one of the most recognizable monuments in the world and a universal symbol of the beginnings of Western civilization: the Acropolis. A visit to the Acropolis includes a tour of other buildings of great historical significance, like the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and the Temple of Athena Nike.

  • The Ancient Agora: Famed marketplace that was the pulsing heart of the city in Socrates and Plato’s day. Excavations include temples and a concert hall, and the museum houses fascinating smaller pieces sometimes thousands of years old.

  • Pláka: A popular and very touristic area whose restaurants and souvenir shops line the narrow streets.

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